O'Ryan Lab
One of our goals for this website is to use it as a platform to share resources and scientific knowledge about ASD to facilitate an understanding of autism in South Africa. We are not prescribing the views and opinions held by the organizations and institutions shared here. Rather, we aim to provide an overview of resources that offer all kinds of different approaches and ideas that may be useful to autistic individuals, family members, clinicians or the community.
Autism Western Cape
Autism Western Cape is a support organisation whose focus is to train parents, educators and caregivers. They also provide post-diagnosis counselling to parents and host support groups.
Tel: 021 462 8232
Email: admin@awc.org.za
Website: www.autismwesterncape.org.za/
Autism South Africa
Autism South Africa aims to achieve a society where people with Autism Spectrum Disorder enjoy all the rights and opportunities to meet and fulfill their potential, throughout their lives, as loved and valued members of their families and communities.
Email: info@autismsouthafrica.org
Website: https://aut2know.co.za/
Els for Autism
The ELS for Autism organisation offers parent-led support groups and adults services. Their focus is to provide employment programs, independent living programs and social and recreation programs for autistic adults.
Tel: 011 484 7254
Email: capetown@elsforautism.org
Website: www.ernieelscentre4autism.co.za
Spectrum is a resource that provides news and expert opinion on Autism. Spectrum was founded by the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) but is now editorially independent and has its own independent online identity.
Email: news@spectrumnews.org
Website: www.spectrumnews.org
The National Autistic Society UK
The National Autistic Society is the UK's leading autism charity. They aim to provide support, guidance and advice for people on the autism spectrum and their families, as well as campaigning for improved rights, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for autistic people.
Email: nas@nas.org.uk
Website: https://www.autism.org.uk/
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
ASAN is a nonprofit organization in the U.S. run by and for autistic people, that advocates for public policies that benefit autistic people and other neurodivergent and disabled people.
Email: info@autisticadvocacy.org
Website: https://autisticadvocacy.org/
A group of autistic academics, researchers, teachers, speakers, trainers, and advocates educating on Autistic experience for Autistic and non-autistic learners.
Website: https://aucademy.co.uk/about/
Twitter: @aucademy
Foundations for Divergent Minds
Foundations for Divergent Minds is a nonprofit organization in Texas rooted in the principles of disability justice. They are founded and led by multiply-neurodivergent autistic people, and their mission is to ensure equity, access, and fulfilled lives through inclusive, practical, and affirming neurodiversity-based programming and education. They use effective, innovative, digital, culturally-responsive methods to serve a diverse range of individuals, families, organizations, and providers across the globe.
Email: contact@divergentminds.org
Website: https://www.divergentminds.org/
Communication First
Communication First is an organization that advocates for nonspeaking neurodivergent and disabled people. It is led and guided by individuals who have a communication related disability or who identify as disabled. They promote opportunities, accommodations, autonomy and self-determination, equal rights, inclusion and dignity for people with speech-related disabilities and conditions
Email: info@communicationfirst.org.
Website: https://communicationfirst.org/
Thinking Person's Guide to Autism
The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism is a platform that provides autism news, discussions and resources. They are described as a "one-stop source for carefully curated, evidence-based, neurodiversity-steeped information from autistic people, parents, and autism professionals". Its mission is to provide clear, referenced, and evidence supported information contrary to negative societal attitudes or pseudoscience about autism.
Contact: @thinkingautism on Twitter
Website: https://thinkingautismguide.com
Yellow Ladybugs
Yellow Ladybugs is an autistic-led non-government organization in Australia with strong bridges to the community. They are dedicated to the happiness, success and celebration of autistic girls and women, because they want autistic individuals of all genders to be recognized, valued, accepted and supported in order to realize their full potential.
Email: info@yellowladybugs.com.au
Website: https://www.yellowladybugs.com.au/
Alpha School
Street Address: c/o Roodebloem and Palmerston Roads
Telephone: 021 447 1212/1213
E-mail: info@alphaschool.co.za
Vera School for Learners with Autism
Street Address: 20 Anglesey Road, Ronderbosch East, 7780
Telephone: 021 696 2844
E-mail: info@vera.co.za
Vista Nova Primary School Campus
Street Address:11 Milner Road, Rondebosch, 7700
Telephone: 021 689 5323/4747/5324
E-mail: principal@vistanova.co.za